Title 1 of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) provides the funds necessary to offer supplemental education programs to eligible children who are not achieving well in reading and/or math, and to ensure that all children have a fair and equal opportunity to succeed academically. Title 1 services are a collaborative effort between the academic service provider, classroom teachers, school administration and parents. These services are provided at no cost to the families of students who are eligible,

At St. Margaret of Scotland, our Title 1 academic enrichment is provided by FRAN Center.  FRAN Center classes are small, no larger than 8-to-1, so each child gets more individual attention.

FRAN Center provides students with strategies that focus on improving performance. Their programs build confidence and reinforce skills that are necessary for students to succeed in school.  FRAN Center classes are often referred to as tutoring, which can be misleading since it is not a homework help program. 

If you have any questions about FRAN Center Title 1 Enrichment Program at St. Margaret, please contact Mrs. Shauntae Davis.

Dr. Shauntae Davis

Phone:  773-238-1088, available 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Email: sdavis @ smoschicago.org